August 6 2015

5 Mobile Marketing Strategies Proven to Increase ROI

Today, mobile content is consumed more actively than any other types of media available. In fact, the average person looks at their mobile phone up to 150 times a day AND about 40 percent of mobile device search queries are locally focused. This presents a plethora of opportunities for marketers to engage local consumers.

In this post we’ll share 5 of the most popular mobile marketing strategies to increase ROI:

1: Mobile Apps: Mobile apps can be used for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s helping guide customers to specific departments, providing product details or simply allowing for better communication and engagement, a mobile app is almost always the hub of any mobile marketing campaign. The more your app is downloaded, the more opportunity you have to reach your audience instantly. A mobile app keeps consumers in touch with your brand and helps to facilitate the conversion process.

2: Mobile Coupons: More and more businesses are realizing the effectiveness of mobile coupons, making it an attractive way to boost sales and increase customer engagement. Mobile coupons can be created and sent to customers through text messages or they can be made available to customers through a mobile website or app. With a GPS enabled app, you can customize the experience by presenting passer-by coupons, alerting shoppers in the area of your new offers or promotions.

3: QR Codes: The theory behind QR codes is to get people to scan them to unlock exclusive content. QR codes promote immediate action by taking static print advertising and transforming it into interactive media. Incorporating QR codes into your marketing campaigns and events allows you to track what is most effective. Instant results give you an instant advantage.

4: Text Message Marketing: People have been shown to respond to a short text ad more readily than a whole page of text. When you leverage location data to send text messages, you can create and send personalized messages or offers to your customers when they are near your stores or other locations relevant to your brand. Geo-fencing technology makes it easy to target relevant, nearby locations; including your competitors!

5: Digital Punch Card Loyalty Programs: Everyone likes a good deal and digital loyalty programs allow your clients to feel that their patronage is valued by you. While most people forget to bring in a paper punch card or rewards card, it’s likely everyone will have their smartphone. Digital punch cards are not only convenient, they can also remind customers when a reward is approaching. When a digital punch card is combined with location based marketing, you can identify and message nearby shoppers, create personalized offers or send limited-time offers. Loyalty programs equal loyal customers.

Mobile marketing technologies present an opportunity to learn more about shopper behavior, both in and out of store, and reach them more effectively than ever before. Adopters of mobile marketing technology stand to gain a significant competitive advantage over others who choose to sit on the sidelines. Marketers who learn how to best take advantage of mobile marketing and engage consumers will be positioned to reap the benefits.


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