November 17 2015

3 QR Code Strategies to Boost Mobile Conversions

Mobile marketing is now mandatory in the mobile-first Internet — especially campaigns that integrate well with other marketing tactics. Of course, this isn’t about leaving behind the old, at least not completely. It’s about carefully planned integration. People integrate their mobile devices into the ordinary, non-tech processes of their life every day, so why shouldn’t marketers do the same with traditional strategies? This is why combining mobile marketing and QR codes with other tactics — such as direct mail — are popular. “Really? We’re talking about QR codes?” Yes, we are. So check out three QR code strategies you should implement right away to boost your mobile conversions.

Use the QR Code Combo in Effective, Creative Contexts

Adding a QR code to your direct mail postcards or other advertising campaign a now-classic mobile marketing approach. But where should your QR code send potential customers? This is where creative mobile marketing comes in. Let’s say you wanted to promote your podcast series on an advertisement at a bus stop, you could create a QR code that sends scanners directly to your iTunes page. Wherever you send scanners, ensure that the pages are mobile-optimized. Consumers will be on their phone when scanning the QR code, so they should be brought to a page with a positive mobile experience.

Send Consumers to Your YouTube Channel

Although the thought of creating video content is intimidating, A) it’s not as hard as you think, and B) YouTube has become a massively popular search engine. So even the hard work of video content is worth it, even if you’re simply putting up a home-repair product that includes a link to a how-to video with installation instructions.

And the best part?

YouTube already performs perfectly on mobile devices. So create a great YouTube channel for your business (if you haven’t already) and use the direct mail QR code to send people to it.

A Landing Page with Short, Punchy Copy

The copywriter veterans who have been writing successful ad copy since before the Internet existed will be quick to tell you: the more things change, the more they stay the same. In the old days of the pre-Internet printed ad copy bonanza, copywriters had a mantra: make it clean, concise, and punchy. The fewer the words the better.

And now that the majority of Internet surfing happens on little screens, the old ways of doing things are now back in style. Create a landing page that describes your primary benefits in short, punchy language — the fewer words the better.

Once you’ve got a powerful, snappy landing page, send people to it with your QR codes. For example: A realtor can place a QR Code on For Sale sign in front of a residential property, which provides additional home specifications, interior photos and Google Maps location for later reference.

Going Beyond Direct Mail: A QR Code on Your Invoice to Current Clients

Never forget: anything that customers handle that still involves physical paper (as rare as this is becoming) is eligible for the QR code treatment. Why not put a QR code on your invoice? It can link to a “how are we doing?” survey page optimized for mobile, and suddenly you’ve got a steady stream of helpful feedback coming in. Or maybe link the QR code to a coupon or some other promotional to turn a current customer into a returning customer — or a customer who spends more.

TIP: Don’t require a special QR code scanner. Your QR code should be accessible with any reader. A lower barrier to entry makes success more likely for you and the user.

QR Codes are versatile can be integrated with a wide range of marketing materials for just about any purpose, including product displays, feedback on sales receipts, or tutorial support. Just like any marketing campaign, you should track your QR code campaigns to see whether they’re actually working.


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